
Review database schema

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I created a simple schema for storing data. Now that the POC is ready, we should think about it again to make it future-proof. Below is an extract of the database:

crick=# select * from users;
                  id                  |   login    |   auth0_id    |                       api_token
 a4e299dc-291b-44bf-bbf9-c17519a5ccbe | willdurand | github|217628 | XxhRCLa9PsKZk8wiLX0Y4HbLWgZkys8gYWUF7arBeQRwRETgyN5agQ==

crick=# select * from projects;
                  id                  |   name   |               user_id
3f1aec7a-418a-4246-92f4-462b36abad67 | test     | a4e299dc-291b-44bf-bbf9-c17519a5ccbe

crick=# select * from frames;
                id                |      start_at       |       end_at        |              project_id              |      synchronized_at       |         tags
 5b37098ac971495692a35a81fc0b342b | 2016-10-21 09:43:36 | 2016-10-21 12:03:47 | a0ac4e4a-b10b-435a-b85b-ec4664169f31 | 2017-05-28 12:59:00.965407 | {}
 764ec976bc4b4a07832bcb5485522134 | 2016-10-24 09:46:50 | 2016-10-24 11:42:09 | a0ac4e4a-b10b-435a-b85b-ec4664169f31 | 2017-05-28 12:59:00.96869  | {370}

the schema has evolved but we keep track with migrations. let's see with real case scenario now..