
Upload to a specific web server and run remotely


1: RemoteUploader.ServerModule()

    lport:int, # Pleass 0x01 ~ 0xff in range  
    lhost:str, # Your IP address 
    Path:str   # File path

2: RemoteUploader.UploadModule()

    lhost:str,       # Local IP or Global IP
    lport:int,       # Download server port
    rhost:list,      # Target rhost in list only 
    rport:int,       # Target port
    ThreadNum=1,     # Thread enabled for multiple targets
    execution=False, # True if it is an executable 
    delete=False,    # Delete files after execution
    Tor=False        # Tor Netwoek 

Details of this vulnerable

1: check()

    rhosts={target_host} # Target host
    rports={target_port} # Target port