
Issues related in the implementation of annyang js

josephpramodh opened this issue · 0 comments

<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/annyang/2.6.0/annyang.min.js"></script> <script> if (annyang) { var commands = { 'play music': function(){ document.getElementById("mymusic").play(); }, 'pause music': function(){ document.getElementById("mymusic").pause(); }, 'goto home': function(){ location.href='registration.html'; }, 'goto about': function(){ location.href='about.html'; }, 'goto login': function(){ location.href='login.html'; }, 'goto registration' : function(){ location.href='new user.html' } }; annyang.addCommands(commands); annyang.start(); } </script>

How can I make my music button play or pause, using my voice commands, 'play music ' and 'pause music'

I want to add submit option using the submit voice command, how can I write the code for the submit option
Help with these two issues 😭😭😭