
2D game project

Primary LanguageC


2D Game Project

This project is part of the curriculum at 42 School, focused on developing a 2D game. The primary objective is to create a game using the "minilibx" graphics library.




game objective

The player must collect all the items scattered throughout the game and find their way to the escape gate. The challenge is to achieve this with the minimum number of movements.

Table of Contents


To compile the game, use the following command:



to test the game run the command :

make test


Control the player using the keyboard:

Key Action
Up Move the player up
Down Move the player down
Right Move the player to the right
Left Move the player to the left
Escape Press the "ESC" key or click the close button in the window

mode of use

to launch the game please use : "./so_long <map_name>.ber" an example:

./so_long tests/test_nada.ber

input map

To launch the game, please use a text file ending with .ber . The map will contain only a ser of specific charachters: '0' : for empty path '1' : for a wall 'C' : for a collectible 'P' : players starting coordination (only one charachter on the map is allowed) 'E' : exit coordinate (only one charachter on the map is allowed)

Supported Operating Systems

The game is compatible with both macOS and Linux systems.

feel free to contact me