
The Software It's not Registering a new user

correar opened this issue · 7 comments

When I try register a new user, the register button change to "registering" but it doesn't do the action.
At Network devtool tab show faild message when the page try to connect grahql using localhost.

I'm accessing by external IP, ex.:

If I try to access works fine.

@correar is there any error shown in the console? It might be a problem with CORS

yes, Failed to send WACHDOG=1 notification message: Transport endpoint is not connected

@correar is there any error in the browser console? Besides the network issue presented...

I've changed initApollo.js.

// const GRAPHQL_HOST = process.env.GRAPHQL_HOST
const GRAPHQL_HOST = 'http://<my_ip>/graphql';

and the failed error it isn't showing anymore, now it's showing I'm already looged in, but It's already a ticket open of this issue. I'll see what I need to do.

maybe it's better to change procees.env.GRAPHQL_HOST, but until now I did'nt find where is this information.

I readed the issue of 80 port and there
it has how how to configure GRAPHQL_HOST.
Just edit Dockerfile and after do it rebuild docker.