
Vim plugin to open terminals

Primary LanguageVim Script

Open Terminal Here

Termhere makes it easier to open a terminal, because it switches straight to insert mode, enables the intuitive <ESC> to get back out, and adds functionality for using the filename of a different split in the terminal.

If you are on windows, it also loads 'doskey.cmd' (which you have to write), and starts up Git bash unless you use the 'DOS' functions.

Works well in conjunction with dirhere.


Use your favourite plugin manager.

Plug 'TamaMcGlinn/vim-termhere'

Example config:

" cc for commandline, cs for split terminal below,
" windows only: cd for dos terminal, csd for split dos terminal below
if has('win32')
  " Note, you need to empty the file Git\etc\motd
  " to get rid of the 'Welcome to Git' message
  set shell=cmd.exe
  nnoremap <Leader>cc :call termhere#OpenTerminal()<CR>
  nnoremap <Leader>cd :call termhere#OpenDOSTerminal()<CR>
  nnoremap <Leader>csd :call termhere#OpenSplitDOSTerminal()<CR>
  nnoremap <Leader>cc :call termhere#OpenTerminal()<CR>
  nnoremap <Leader>cs :call termhere#OpenSplitTerminal()<CR>

nnoremap <Leader>cf :call termhere#UseRelativeFilenameInTermBelow('')<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>cF :call termhere#UseAbsoluteFilenameInTermBelow('')<CR>

" if you use https://github.com/liuchengxu/vim-which-key
let g:which_key_map['c'] = {'name': '+Terminal',
             \'c': 'Full window',
             \'s': 'Split below',
             \'f': 'relative filename',
             \'F': 'absolute filename',
             \'d': 'DOS CMD',