

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kagoj is an online judge platform specialized to host lab test and evaluation of CSE, BUET. Automated code compilation, validation and evaluation is aimed to provide efficiency to both the teachers and students.

PS: for initial version of the project please refer to Kagoj-Old

Project Details

Code editor

KagOJ has an code editor where students can directly code into and test their code.

Code compilation and execution

Code compilation and execution is done in a sandboxed environment to ensure safety of host machine. Currently it only supports C and C++ as the supported language. And the verdicts supported are Accepted, Wrong Answer, Time Limit Exceeded, Memory Limit Exceeded, Runtime Error and Compilation Error.


The system grades the submission based on the number of test cases passed. The evalutors can also alternate the marking based on their preferences.

Site management

Teachers can create courses and add students to those courses. Teachers can also add problems to the courses for exam or for practice

Problem Generation and Test Cases

Teachers can add new problems and add test cases for them. The test cases can be marked as sample or hidden for evaluation.


Teachers can create a exam under a course with deadline. The students can edit, submit and see the verdict of their code untill that deadline. After that no one can modify or resubmit any solution.

How to start


At first clone this repository by

git clone https://github.com/TamimEhsan/KagOJ.git The backend only runs in linux environment. So either open with ubuntu, or if you are in windows use wsl

Start Backend

Then go into Kagoj/Kagoj Backend

create a .env file. And populate with the followings


and install dependencies and then start node server

npm i
npm run dev

Start Frontend

Then go into Kagoj/Kagoj Frontend

and install dependencies and then start node server.

npm i --force
npm start

