
How to add 0 in bar chart?

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I have following data :
const data: DataInterface[] = [
label: "React Charts",
data: [
value: 23000,
plateform: "Linux",
color: "#95A5FD",
value: 18000,
plateform: "Mac",
color: "#C0DEFF",
value: 26000,
plateform: "iOS",
color: "#1C1C1C",
value: 32000,
plateform: "Windows",
color: "#B1E3FE",
value: 38000,
plateform: "Android",
color: "#A9C5DA",
value: 20000,
plateform: "Other",
color: "#C0DEFF",

This is just for testing, not actual data. Following is the rendered chart. The bar for mac is not showing because it has the lowest value and the chart minimum value is 18k.


Figured it out:

For me this worked.