
Using Pyspark to develop content based and collaborative filtering recommender.

Primary LanguagePython


CS5344 Big Data Project.

Data Source: Amazon product data

Data should be in the folder data.

  • Raw data should be in the form '.json.gz' or '.json'
  1. Create a virtual environment

mkvirtualenv spark
workon spark
pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Process data

Data processing includes

  • combine multiple files
  • remove duplicates
  • remove users who posted less than n reviews, default 5.
  • remove products which received less than n reviews.
  1. Build models

Content-based model

  • Calculate the tfidf for reviewText
  • Calculate the pair-wise similarity
  • Recommend the top ones given a product based on similarity

Collaborative Filtering

  • Matrix Factorization based on Explicit Rating
  • Given a user/product, recommend the top rating ones.

spark-submit manage.py --master "local[8]"


python manage.py