
Incomplete string resource file

mahirpp opened this issue · 6 comments

one particular resource item is missing in string.xml file under values-en that is available in the other language.
"MostSelect", which is the message showing when there more selection of images than permitted limit.
Currently this message is showing in a different language and not in English.

@mahirpp im forget test all case,thx for reminding

Would be nice to have a public method to set this string value also before opening the Activity. 👍

@TangXiaoLv message for most selection images still showing in different language

@TangXiaoLv can you please fix up this issue asap or kindly provide me with a solution.?

sorry everybody ,recently too busy!
@mahirpp pls use compile 'com.library.tangxiaolv:telegramgallery:1.0.2'
@bradmartin 1.0.2 has supported