
Persist lobbies across restarts

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Store lobby data so that it's not lost whenever the bot is restarted.

Reasons for Implementing

When the bot is restarted for an update or maintenance, any lobby in progress is lost.

This causes a few problems:

  • Users' original nicknames are lost, and can't be restored.
  • Users are left muted/deafened.
  • Games in progress are no longer tracked/automated.
  • Lobby info posts are left behind in text channels.

Ideas & Details

A couple options for storing lobby info:

  • Use the local file system as a database and use mounted volumes.
  • Use a remote database (CouchDB?) to store data.

The main problem is how to serialize lobby data in a way that can be recovered. Whichever instance of the bot is handling the shard on startup will need to be able to load the lobby and resume where the previous instance left off.

The capture app shouldn't be a problem, since Socket.IO supports automatic reconnection. It should simply reconnect to the new instance smoothly. Update: While Socket.IO does automatically reconnect, the capture app doesn't resend the connect code. That'll need to be patched.


One other option would be to add a graceful shutdown order which ends all existing lobbies.

Fixed in v2.0.0