
Handle disconnecting players better

Closed this issue · 2 comments


From @douglasmonsky:

People should probably be auto ejected when they leave the voice channel (or maybe after being gone for say 5 mins). Even when telling people pretty much no one actually leaves to the session via the bot, they just leave.

Players should be removed from the bot automatically, where possible.

Reasons for Implementing

Players don't leave the bot (because why would they?) which means they are left hanging around until someone uses ejects them or ends the lobby. This just is inelegant and annoying.

Ideas & Details

Some options to think about:

  • For automated lobbies, switch players to spectator when they disconnect from the game. (This will need careful handling to work smoothly over lobby restarts.)
  • Automatically remove missing players during intermission.
    • Would need some way to auto-rejoin when they come back.
  • Always disconnect players when they change channels.
    • They need to automatically reconnect when re-joining the channel.
    • Need to lock the player so another user can't join as them.


This issue is resolved in version 2.6.0-beta.7

This issue is resolved in version 2.6.0