
[solution] Android 13 woes(explicit class error) PSA

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For A while i have not been able to lunch games on certain platforms on Android 13

Changing the file.path to file. uri per some suggestion also did not help.

If you are experiencing the same issues as I am chance are your retroarch wasnt from the play store and was downloaded from the retroarch website.
And all the platforms giving you to butthole explicit class error are all using some core in retro arch and not a standalonw app.

To fix all my problems all i had to do was to go to retro arch and download the latest version of it (64bit Android) install it over the current installation(which kinda works like an Update) after that went into retroarch and Update all cores that are installed.

Go back into daijisho and if you had made any change in the setting to change file.path to file. uri, please revert it all back to file.parh.

Now no more butthole Android 13 explicit class errors.
Hope this helps people who were stuck like I was.