
box plot

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Do we still need to use blox plot as in or is it now simplified with the presence in plugins.
Also in above example, low(quantile25) min(min-price) max(max-price) mean(mean) are specified in box-plot plugin config whereas quantile75 is configured in bar chart y axis.
Could u please explain why this is so...
Also, once tooltip is added, quartile75 isnot seen in it.-

Also, I see that the date gets transformed to just month name without day and year.. Which part of the code does this..


Hi @c-arnab!

The examples you provided are very raw prototype solutions and now obsolete since there is special "box-whiskers" plugin for such kind of tasks ( It is applicable to scatterplot chart only.

Here is an example:

There are 3 modes for box-whisker plugin:

  • outliers-only : (by default) show scatterplot points for outliers only
  • hide-scatter : hide underlying scatterplot
  • show-scatter : show underlying scatterplot

As well you can display it vertically / horizontally by using "flip" parameter.

date gets transformed to just month name... Which part of the code does this..

This is not actually true. Once you expand (stretch) chart container you should see year and probably other details. In these particular cases we delegate this logic directly to D3.js which is used under the hood.

Once you need some special formatters - you can use tickFormat property (

Let me know if you have other questions.

Here is an updated example:

I would like the old style boxplot (with data generated serverside) made into a plugin as well as there are scenarios where the amount of data is huge and in such cases serverside data generated boxplot makes a lot more sense..

The data can be in same format as in prev example with and additional outliers array and x axis being interval(2010-02-01T00:00:00) as well as categorical(IBM).

"date": "2010-02-01T00:00:00",
"quantile75": 127.16,
"company": "IBM",
"quantile25": 63.58,
"minPrice": 25.5759265204816,
"maxPrice": 134.26893503950888,
"mean": 95.37,
"outliers":[10, 15, 200, 250]

Also tooltips do not seem to be working.