A custom card for Home Assistant that will display images and/or videos from a folder in the style of a gallery.
- 2
Online URL media source
#18 opened by joeyjojo747 - 7
Feature Request - Implement Lovelace "Tap Actions"
#25 opened by GaryOkie - 6
custom element doesn't exist
#22 opened by jon-daemon - 13
- 4
Feature request - Day of week in captions
#31 opened by mullermn - 2
Seems to lag and crash often
#8 opened by atonyshepherd - 2
Features request: filetype filtering, new layout
#12 opened by ligius- - 1
Features request: Bigger fullscreen photo
#14 opened by clownnl - 1
- 3
Folder sort
#20 opened by dpomnean - 0
Feature Request:
#28 opened by f3bandit - 3
Put focus on image
#24 opened by TarheelGrad1998 - 6
Photo's listed in newest time order, but oldest date
#19 opened by chrisrpi - 1
caption_format 2-digit day, month, and hour
#21 opened by gadgetchnnel - 2
Platform Folder as source Feature Request
#26 opened by bongiozzo - 7
#30 opened by gartenbauer - 3
- 0
Feature Request - Add fallback caption
#17 opened by SaifAqqad - 1
Add refresh button
#9 opened by TarheelGrad1998 - 1
- 2
Error in LIne 259
#13 opened by gartenbauer - 7
add slideshow function
#1 opened by justinw78 - 7
Broken in 0.116.4
#4 opened by whyfseeguy - 2
Open pop-up for camera entity
#3 opened by Rikkie80 - 3
Display in reverse chronological order
#6 opened by parautenbach - 5
Media Source Support
#2 opened by daranto - 0
Do you mean, so it changes image every so many seconds automatically? Yeah, that's doable, I'll add it to my list. :)
#7 opened by Jase53 - 2
HACS support
#5 opened by mikepan-ovoenergy