
This repository contains the backend code for a social media platform i am built with Express.js. The backend provides APIs for user management, posts, comments, friendships, and notifications.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Social Media Backend with Express.js

This repository contains the backend code for a social media platform i am built with Express.js. The backend provides APIs for user management, posts, comments, friendships, and notifications.


  • User Management:

    • Create a new user
    • Update user profile
    • Login user
    • Get user profile
    • Delete user account
  • Posts:

    • Create a new post
    • Get all posts
    • Get posts from friends
    • Get user's posts and posts from friends
    • Get a single post
    • Update a post
    • Delete a post
    • Like/Unlike a post
  • Friendships:

    • Send friend requests
    • Reject friend requests
    • Accept friend requests
    • Unfriend users
    • Get list of friends
    • Get friend requests
  • Notifications:

    • Get user notifications
    • Mark notifications as read
    • Delete notifications
  • Comments:

    • Create a new comment on a post
    • Update a comment
    • Delete a comment

File Structure

  • routes: Contains route handlers for different entities (users, posts, comments, notifications, friendships).
  • controllers: Implements the logic for route handlers.
  • models: Defines Mongoose models for users, posts, notifications, etc.
  • app.js: The main application file that sets up Express and connects routes.

env variable

  • PORT=****
  • DBURL=*******************
  • SECRET_KEY=**************
  • IMGBB_API_KEY=******************

📦Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Tariq-Monowa/express-social-media-backend.git