
Invalid output folder for ClearScript dependencies in _PublishedWebsites when build project with MsBuild

Qmannn opened this issue · 2 comments

Project: ASP.NET Web Application (Net.Framework 4.7.1)

When I build my project with VS2019 in output directory I can see folder x64 with files:

But if I build a project with MsBuild by specifying a third-party output directory , the directory structure in the output Bin folder is incorrect.

Output folder structure:
This folder contains x64 folder - it's look good, but folder _PublishedWebsites/JSSwitchTest/bin look differently.


It doesn't contains folder x64, but all files from this folder copied into root bin folder path (on screen above).

The problem is that I use the _publishedwebsites folder as the source of the built application , but with this folder structure, I get a Filenotfoundexception when the application starts because the x64 folder does not exist in my application 's Bin directory

Step to reproduse

1 Create ASP.NET Web Application in VS2019

2 Install Nuget package JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.V8.Native.win-x64

3 Build project into custom output folder with MsBuild
In my case the msbuild call looked like this:
MSBuild.exe "D:\github\JSSwitchTest\JSSwitchTest.sln" /p:OutputPath=D:\dev\test_out_folder

I'm sorry for my English...

Everything works correctly for me:

I used MsBuild version 14. On version 16, the build was successful. Thank you very much!