
Error in DateTime? type.

toolgood opened this issue · 4 comments

         var jsEngine = new MsieJsEngine(new JsEngineSettings {
                 EngineMode = JsEngineMode.Auto,
                UseEcmaScript5Polyfill = false,
                UseJson2Library = false
            DateTime? n = DateTime.Now;
            jsEngine.EmbedHostObject("n", n);


MsieJavaScriptEngine.JsRuntimeException:“TypeError: Unable to get property 'ToString' of undefined or null reference
at Global code (Script Document:1:1)”


EmbedHostObject method allows to embed instances of simple classes (or structures) and delegates. Unfortunately, generic and nullable types do not belong to simple classes and structures. You can use a DateTime instead of a DateTime?.

Don't forget to wrap your code in a using block.

Thank you.

    public class DateTimeNull
        private DateTime? datetime;

        public bool HasValue { get { return datetime != null ? datetime.HasValue : false; } }

        public DateTime Value { get { return datetime.Value; } }

        public static implicit operator DateTimeNull(DateTime value)
            DateTimeNull date = new DateTimeNull();
            date.datetime = value;
            return date;
        public static implicit operator DateTimeNull(DateTime? value)
            DateTimeNull date = new DateTimeNull();
            date.datetime = value;
            return date;

DateTimeNull instead of DateTime, test passed.

In future, I will try to solve this problem. I just now have other priorities. I try to spend all my free time on development of third versions of the MSIE JavaScript Engine and the JavaScript Engine Switcher. Because of this, even had to suspend development of the WebMarkupMin.