
[Bug Report] - Float Right not working

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Release Version 1.0.0

Describe the bug
Using >*>Text Here< to float text right just prints `> >Text Here<

Expected behavior
Expected text to float right

Will investigate when I get a chance

I found the other tags that allow the headers and code, but didn't see reference of of float in there

I am. I was following the docs. But perhaps I misread. Here is what I tried.
exports['t-notify']:SendAny( 'scoreboard', '', '![https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/471806098299682831/758486056432566302/unknown.png]\n\n![https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/471806098299682831/758506939754741780/identifier.png]>*>Test Name<\n', '', 5000, false, true )

The plan was the have a the identifer picture, then the Test Name floated to the right of the noti

This issue should be fixed with this commit, 36d458e. The pre-release with this fix can be found here.

The previous issue was fixed but there is a known edge case regarding this usage.

If something like this is employed, vertical alignment is not centered between elements.

This is a known issue