
How to include BRFv4ExtendedFace.js

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I'm wondering what is the object "lib" being passed into the BRFv4ExtendedFace.js file and how exactly to include that js file if I were to build separate to the demo. The code is so well encapsulated it's hard to work out where things are being required and how. I can see that it is using the preloader.js but I'm still unsure of how that object is being passed in?

Apologies if this is a basic question.

If you scroll down to the bottom of that tile you can see that this function will call itself with the brfv4 namespace object.

So you could add that JS file after you added the BRF script. Since there is a check in place whether to use WebAssembly or asmjs, you need to add the script after that check.

Thanks for the quick response, I actually only realised that after posting this. So I have put in an addFaceExtenderScript function that is basically the same as the same as the adding BRF script. It's being called from the initSDK function and in turn calls the trackFaces function.

BRFv4DemoMinimalImage.js File :

// Even for a minimal example there are several functions that are commonly used by all minimal examples, eg. adding
// the correct script (wasm or asm.js), starting the webcam etc.

// Once we know whether wasm is supported we add the correct library script and initialize the example.

var _isWebAssemblySupported = (function() {

  function testSafariWebAssemblyBug() {

    var bin   = new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,6,1,96,1,127,1,127,3,2,1,0,5,3,1,0,1,7,8,1,4,116,101,115,116,0,0,10,16,1,14,0,32,0,65,1,54,2,0,32,0,40,2,0,11]);
    var mod   = new WebAssembly.Module(bin);
    var inst  = new WebAssembly.Instance(mod, {});

    // test storing to and loading from a non-zero location via a parameter.
    // Safari on iOS 11.2.5 returns 0 unexpectedly at non-zero locations

    return (inst.exports.test(4) !== 0);

  var isWebAssemblySupported = (typeof WebAssembly === 'object');

  if(isWebAssemblySupported && !testSafariWebAssemblyBug()) {
    isWebAssemblySupported = false;

  return isWebAssemblySupported;

function readWASMBinary(url, onload, onerror, onprogress) {

  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

  xhr.open("GET", url, true);
  xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
  xhr.onload = function xhr_onload() {
    if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0 && xhr.response) {
  xhr.onerror = onerror;
  xhr.onprogress = onprogress;

function addBRFScript() {

  var script = document.createElement("script");

  script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
  script.setAttribute("async", true);
  script.setAttribute("src", brfv4BaseURL + brfv4SDKName + ".js");


// Some necessary global vars... (will need to refactor Stats for BRFv5.)

var brfv4Example = { stats: {} };
var brfv4BaseURL = _isWebAssemblySupported ? "js/libs/brf_wasm/" : "js/libs/brf_asmjs/";
var brfv4SDKName = "BRFv4_JS_TK101018_v4.1.0_trial"; // the currently available library
var brfv4WASMBuffer = null;

var handleTrackingResults = function(brfv4, faces, imageDataCtx) {

  // Overwrite this function in your minimal example HTML file.

  for(var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {

    var face = faces[i];

    if(face.state === brfv4.BRFState.FACE_TRACKING_START ||
      face.state === brfv4.BRFState.FACE_TRACKING) {


      for(var k = 0; k < face.vertices.length; k += 2) {
        imageDataCtx.arc(face.vertices[k], face.vertices[k + 1], 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

function initExample() {

  // This function is called after the BRFv4 script was added.

  // BRFv4 needs the correct input image data size for initialization.
  // That's why we need to get the img and its dimension first

  // Once the dimension of the img is known we need to wait for
  // BRFv4 to be ready to be initialized (waitForSDK, initSDK)

  // Once BRFv4 was initialized, we can track faces (trackFaces)

  var image         = document.getElementById("_image");      // our analyzed image
  var imageData     = document.getElementById("_imageData");  // image data for BRFv4
  var imageDataCtx  = null;                                   // only fetch the context once

  var brfManager    = null; // the API
  var resolution    = null; // the image size
  var timeoutId     = -1;
  var brfv4         = null; 


  function handleImageInput() {


    // Resize the canvas to match the img size.
    imageData.width   = image.width;
    imageData.height  = image.height;
    imageDataCtx      = imageData.getContext("2d");

    window.addEventListener("resize", onResize);


  function waitForSDK() {

    if(brfv4 === null && window.hasOwnProperty("initializeBRF")) {

      // Set up the namespace and initialize BRFv4.
      // locateFile tells the asm.js version where to find the .mem file.
      // wasmBinary gets the preloaded .wasm file.

      brfv4 = {
        locateFile: function(fileName) { return brfv4BaseURL + fileName; },
        wasmBinary: brfv4WASMBuffer // Add loaded WASM file to Module


    if(brfv4 && brfv4.sdkReady) {


    } else {

      setTimeout(waitForSDK, 250); // wait a bit...

  function initSDK() {

    // The brfv4 namespace is now filled with the API classes and objects.
    // We can now initialize the BRFManager and the tracking API.

    resolution = new brfv4.Rectangle(0, 0, imageData.width, imageData.height);
    brfManager = new brfv4.BRFManager();
    brfManager.init(resolution, resolution, "com.tastenkunst.brfv4.js.examples.minimal.image");


  function addFaceExtenderScript() {

    var script = document.createElement("script");

    script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
    script.setAttribute("async", true);
    script.setAttribute("src", "js/extendedFace.js");



  function trackFaces() {

    if(brfv4Example.stats.start) brfv4Example.stats.start();

    var timeStart = window.performance.now();

    imageDataCtx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, resolution.width, resolution.height);

    var data = imageDataCtx.getImageData(0, 0, resolution.width, resolution.height).data;

    // BRFv4 is meant to be used with a webcam stream.
    // A single image should be updated multiple times.

    for(var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

    handleTrackingResults(brfv4, brfManager.getFaces(), imageDataCtx);

    if(brfv4Example.stats.end) brfv4Example.stats.end();

    if(timeoutId >= 0) {

    var elapstedMs = window.performance.now() - timeStart;

    // Choosing 5 FPS to show how the tracking converges.
    // Update brf 10 times and comment this out to have the same effect without waiting.
    // Sometimes it doesn't converge at all, so 10 updates should be enough for one/two faces.
    timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { trackFaces(); }, (1000 / 1) - elapstedMs);

(function() {

  // detect WebAssembly support and load either WASM or ASM version of BRFv4

  console.log("Checking support of WebAssembly: " +
    _isWebAssemblySupported + " " + (_isWebAssemblySupported ? "loading WASM (not ASM)." : "loading ASM (not WASM)."));

  if(_isWebAssemblySupported) {

    readWASMBinary(brfv4BaseURL + brfv4SDKName + ".wasm",
      function(r) {

        brfv4WASMBuffer = r; // see function waitForSDK. The ArrayBuffer needs to be added to the module object.


      function (e) { console.error(e); },
      function (p) { console.log(p); }

  } else {



Script within index.html :

 handleTrackingResults = function(
    brfv4,          // namespace
    faces,          // tracked faces
    imageDataCtx    // canvas context to draw into
  ) {

    var _extendedShape = new brfv4.BRFv4ExtendedFace();

    for(var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {

      var face = faces[i];

      if(face.state === brfv4.BRFState.FACE_TRACKING_START ||
        face.state === brfv4.BRFState.FACE_TRACKING) {


        imageDataCtx.strokeStyle = "#00a0ff";

        for(var k = 0; k < face.vertices.length; k += 2) {
          imageDataCtx.arc(face.vertices[k], face.vertices[k + 1], 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

  onResize = function () {

    // fill whole browser

    var imageData = document.getElementById("_imageData");

    var ww = window.innerWidth;
    var wh = window.innerHeight;

    var s = wh / imageData.height;

    if(imageData.width * s < ww) {
      s = ww / imageData.width;

    var iw = imageData.width * s;
    var ih = imageData.height * s;
    var ix = (ww - iw) * 0.5;
    var iy = (wh - ih) * 0.5;

    imageData.style.transformOrigin = "0% 0%";
    imageData.style.transform = "matrix("+s+", 0, 0, "+s+", "+ix+", "+iy+")";

But I'm now getting the error brfv4.BRFv4Extended is not a constructor ?

Apolgies.. I have actually worked it out.

Down the bottom where addBRFScript(); is called, I have called a second function addFaceExtenderScript(); which add the BRFv4ExtendedFace.js to the head tag, I have made the brfv4 variable global and here is the addFaceExtenderScript function :

function addFaceExtenderScript() {

  if(brfv4 && brfv4.sdkReady) {

      var script = document.createElement("script");

      script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
      script.setAttribute("async", true);
      script.setAttribute("src", "js/extendedFace.js");


    } else {

      setTimeout(addFaceExtenderScript, 250); // wait a bit...


Within the waitForSDK function I had to add this if(brfv4 && brfv4.sdkReady && brfv4.BRFv4ExtendedFace) to the if else loop because the extended face script was returning after everything else ran.

Just putting this up for anyone else that might need it.