
The 3.0.0 download file might be contaminated by a Trojan

Closed this issue · 6 comments

When I was downloading the 3.0.0 file my windows defender found a threat


Please check if you have this issue. Thanks.

In my PC with ESET, it didn't occured.
I checked in VirusTotal, several anti virus software flagged program file as malicious.
In version 3.0.0, I changed compiler to Visual Studio 2019's C++ compiler.
Before version 2.41, I use Visual Studio 2008's C++ compiler, and didn't flagged.
I compile version 3.0.0's source file by Visual Studio 2008's C++ compiler, program didn't flagged.
Probably, Visual Studio 2019's C++ compiler and runtime library cause it.

To solve this problem, I changed the archive executable to one compiled with Visual Studio 2008's C++ compiler. And uploaded it again.

Please download again.
Thank you for your report.

Why Visual Studio 2019's C++ compiler and runtime library cause it? I don't understand.

Thanks for your reply. There is no warning now. Thanks!

I added notice about this issue on release page,

To prevent future occurances, you can try to submit the program for clarification as a home customer and a software developer respectively at microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/filesubmission once it happens again.

Macrohard shall not mark it as a trojan anymore, as it is a false positive and does not harm Windows in any way.

Thank you for instructing me in this page.
In next release, I test Visual Studio 2022 build and 2008 build.

In Visual Studio 2008 build, it seems to be no problem. Close this issue.