
Customizations to TrinityCore for enhanced solo play.

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Solozeroth 2

My mods and customizations which make TrinityCore more enjoyable for my personal use during solo play. Using the truly outstanding NPCBots fork of TrinityCore, which provides "hireable pet-like minions".


Unlike my previous version, the Solozeroth 2 repository contains only the changes that I have made to TrinityCore, rather than being a bloated fork of the entire project. This makes it easier for me to track my progress and for you to evaluate the mods. For simplicity, the sql/custom directory in this repo corresponds to the sql/custom directory in the TrinityCore source structure.

See doc/README.md for detailed information about each mod and customization.

NPCBots installation guide is available in the NPCBots Readme, along with a complete guide for using the software.

Copyright & Credits

License: GNU Affero General Public License Version 3

See the TrinityCore README file on GitHub for more information about the project and its many awesome contributors.