
Feature suggestion: Save whole wad

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hey, I tried using this tool to mod the PC port of Danganronpa, which was ported by the same guys who did some of Hotline Miami's console ports and thus uses wads, but I found that there's no option to save the entire wav plus the modifications made to it. Any chance of that being added in? Thanks in advance.

TcT2k commented

You could use version 0.8 in the meanwhile that supports modifying the main WAD file directly.
But I might readd this functionality in a future version for games not supporting patchwads directly.

Alright, thanks!

Though bear (hehe) in mind Danganronpa does make use of directory entries. That's the reason they appeared in WAD structure when HLM2 Editor beta launched.

I just tried to replace one of the sprites and the game crashed on me. This fixable?
EDIT: also tried replacing one of the sprites with something smaller in file size and that crashed it too. So I guess size isn't the issue

TcT2k commented

Yes it is probably fixable. This likely caused by the issue @CookiePLMonster mentioned. I might look into creating the directory entries. Without that fix it will probably not work.
I cant promise an ETA on this, but I might look into it in the coming week.

Thanks a lot, man!

TcT2k commented

Implemented "Merge Patch" function to be able to save the whole WAD like in 0.8.
Additionally directory info should be written now. Please try 1.0.0 beta.