
debian packaging

Opened this issue · 2 comments

So I opened a "RFP" (Request For Package) in Debian for your program:


Right now, it's at the "project documented" stage, which is basically where someone (e.g. me) announced to the Debian community that a project exists and that someone wants it in Debian. It serves as a clearinghouse to fix cases like "hey, there's already a harpoon program and it's not that" or "why don't you use metasploit or nmap for this".

It also helps avoiding duplication of effort as someone else that might want to package this will hopefully look for an RFP before going ahead.

I'll use this space here to document issues that might be fixed upstream if we find them, and to let you know of the effort. Feel free to close this bug report if that's not useful for you. :)

Te-k commented

Awesome, thank you!

hey actually, since you asked for a delay on packaging this, do you mind pinging me here when you're ready? :)