
Windows: Having problems installing program

autisticgamer-500 opened this issue · 5 comments

I am having a lot of trouble setting up/installing the program. I have tried both the .whl package and the source code. The instructions are unclear as to what to do.
When i enter python -m pip install pywin32 fotokilof into the command prompt, it tells me that Python could not be found, even though I have Python 3.9 on my computer, just not under the program files folder.

I think you don't have python in Path environment variable.
Type in terminal: echo %Path%
and check if you have python there.If not, you have to add by Control Panel or reinstall Python (but durig reinstall mark checkbox - add to Path)

no answer = no problem

run cmd
type: echo %Path%
what is answer?
Answer should contains path to Python