
SignPicture-1.11.2-2.8.0-universal pictures do not get uploaded

Arthurtheking98 opened this issue · 11 comments

Hello, guys !

I very much enjoy your mod and I am creating really big project world at the moment, I've been working on it a few years and your mod is a major part of it, because it lets me paste images to the world.

Today I noticed uploading images stopped working. As always, when i try uploading images via your mod, it shows 0 % upload and that's it. When I change the picture to upload, it doesn't change anything. When I quit minecraft and restart it again, then re-enter the game, it let's me upload 1-2 images and then the problem re-appears.

Like I said I've been working on my project for a long time and your mod is its major part, Is tere any way to solve the problem ?


sjcl commented

The problem could not be reproduced, but the API rate limit may have been reached.

As a workaround, you can set your Imgur API client id to config.
Anonymous use, callback URL is not used, so anything is fine.

You can also change the API and key used from the GUI.

Hi guys !

I'm new to all this, can you please tell me what do i put and where after I get this ?

sjcl commented

Simply copy and paste the client secret to the Imgur Key in the config file.
It is also possible from the in-game mod option gui.

Doesn't seem to change anything :((

If I try loading image from internet, it doesn't work as well. Actually, this way of image loading was long not functioning, that's why I started uploading images in the first place.
2019-11-28_18 59 57

Could it be because there are hundreds of images placed via this mod, in this world ?

sjcl commented

The redirect url must have an image extension. (e.g. .png, .jpg, .gif)

Could it be because there are hundreds of images placed via this mod, in this world ?

Basically not relevant. Once downloaded, images are cached and not downloaded again.

2019-11-29_18 46 28
2019-11-29_18 47 14, I must have been misattentive yesterday, generally yes, I know about extensions, but I checked everything before and now, and pasting URL is not working.
This error is displayed. My internet connection is ok, etc and I tried in many ways and checked everything when I tried to load images from URL before - I mean various websites, internet connections, clearing browser cache etc. - nothing seem to work. Sorry for extensions confusion yesterday.

yahho commented

Try setting shortener to Bitly.
If not working, grab/set Bitly Generic Access Token. <-It's seems no longer works