
[Bug]: Multiple rendering bugs

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Initial Check

  • I have checked the existing issues and this one is not a duplicate




Multiple rendering bugs, including:

  • Missing ropes in skycart/skycrate
  • Missing texture of fluid inserter in hands and inventry (In world it does exist)
  • Heavy chemthrower projectiles are super-white
  • Missing paker gui (resulted crash)
  • Error in the manual (resulted crash)




  • Chemthrower:
  1. Build Heavy Chemthrower
  2. Make it target anything
  3. Projectiles are existing, but are white (also not dealing damage (#264))
  • Skycart/Skycrate:
  1. Build Skycart/Skycrate
  2. Try to connect post(S) with station
  3. Rope isn't here
  • Packer:
  1. Build packer
  2. Open it
  3. Game crashes refferencing in the error packer's gui
  • Manual:
  1. Open IE manual
  2. Open Warfare --> Casing pouch
  3. Game crashes with (Error: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList.field_74747_a from class pl.pabilo8.immersiveintelligence.common.util.easynbt.EasyNBT)

Expected Behaviour

Everything to work fine and no crashes ^^

Logs / <-- Everything up to packer || Manual crash --> /

Other Evidence


Operating System

Windows 10 or newer

Minecraft Version


Immersive Intelligence Version

0.3.0 (Recent Dev Build)

Immersive Engineering Version



  • A lot more of manual pages are causing easynbt crash
  • Scanning conveyor textures are bugged
  • Redstone-Data interface texture is misplaced
  • Sawmill blade texture is missing (all blades) (not critical)
  • Coagulator fluids textures are bugged (not critical)
  • Fluid inserter missing textures in inventory and in hand (in world it has one) (not critical)
  • Arithmetic-logic machines also lack some textures for circuit boards (not critical)
    Full list:
  • Type conversion circuit
  • Cryptograpgher circuit
  • Map orientation circuits
  • Fluidstack operations circuit
  • Vector arithmetic circuit
  • Logic circuit
  • Text processor circuit
  • Array operations circuit
  • Arithmetic circuit
  • Comparator circuit

Update :

  • Electrolyzer model and hammering block are wrong
  • Wrong Block Forming for Aluminium Chain Fence gate multiblock (can't form on neither of the side with the pink block)

Thank you for adding this, i wasn't able to add Electrolyzer to the issue since i couldn't form it, thought it was disabled (like vehicle workshop). And about Aluminium Chain Fence, i don't really know what you're talking about, if you don't mind, could you explain me about it in the discord (Just curious). Thank you again

Latest build update:
Every issue except the scanning conveyor is still active. Scanning conveyor got new model, but it still is misplaced:
Also precision assembles is missing animations:

Electrolyzer should be fixed in current dev build already, please re-check if you can form it.
Casing pouch's GUI should work too, please check it as well.
Scanning conveyor's rotation will be fixed soon.

Also please check the aluminium fence gate, it works fine in-dev, but not sure about normal game.

Ah yes, sorry.

  • The electrolyzer is ok now.
  • Casing pouch gui is ok (manual is crsahing when opening 2nd page of the pouch) (
  • Packer gui is still broken. (crashes)
  • Chain fence gate not fixed

As of "Curseforge 0.3.0" build:

  • Packer was fixed
  • Redstone-data Interface was fixed
  • Electrolyzer was fixed
  • Scanning conveyor was fixed
  • Fluid inserter was fixed
  • Sawmill was fixed

As of "Curseforge 0.3.0" build:
Still present issues:

  • Chemthrower projectiles are white (#264)
  • Skycart/Skycrate ropes missing
  • Coagulator fluids textures
  • Arithmetic-logic machines circuit boards missing textures

Hello, Everything said by IVsniper is true, although I can't seem to get the coagulator working so I can't test it.
And the Aluminum chain fence gate is still missing one block activation, to clarify, if you have immersive petroleum installed, when you place it using the projector [Without rotating, so initial rotation] it is the block on the back right side:

Thx for telling. Most likely i'll make a 2.0 version of this post, because this one is messy rn