
[Bug]: incomplete bullets can be fired

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Initial Check

  • I have checked the existing issues and this one is not a duplicate




bullets made from the projectile workshop for all the firearms, as well as the artillery howitzer, can be fired and filled into magazines without being combined with a filled casing at the ammunition workshop


Client, Server


No response

Expected Behaviour

you should not be able to fire the core of a bullet, without propellant. it also creates a shell from nothing


No response

Other Evidence

No response

Operating System

Windows 10 or newer

Minecraft Version


Immersive Intelligence Version

0.3.0 (Recent Dev Build)

Immersive Engineering Version


Did some investigation, was not able to recreate the issue under the grounds that the packer is not packing even completed rounds/ anything at all
with that said, is that a known issue with the current dev forks?

Putting on hold until the ammo fix is pushed into dev. This issue may not exist afterwards