
Problem #6 – Excel data (data loaded from MySQL + SQLite and generate an Excel file holding some information)

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You are given a SQLite database holding more information for each product.

For example:

Product Name Tax
Beer “Beck’s” 20%
Beer “Zagorka” 20%
Chocolate “Milka” 18%
Vodka “Targovishte” 25%
  • Write a program to read the MySQL database of reports, read the information from SQLite and generate a single Excel 2007 file holding some information by your choice.

For example:

Vendor Incomes Expenses Taxes Financial Result
Nestle Sofia Corp. 135.70 30 24.43
Targovishte Bottling Company Ltd. 1155.90 200 288.98
Zagorka Corp. 872.19 120 174.44
  • You are not allowed to connect to the SQL Server or MongoDB databases to read information.
  • Input: SQLite database; MySQL database. Output: Excel 2007 file (.xlsx).