
Follow Additional Requirements (usage of libraries, ORM frameworks, providers, etc.)

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  • Your main program logic should be a C# application (a set of modules, executed sequentially one after another).
  • Use non-commercial library to read the ZIP file. - DotNetZip Library
  • For reading the Excel 2003 files (.xls) use ADO.NET (without ORM or third-party libraries).
  • MySQL should be accessed through OpenAccess ORM (research it).
  • SQL Server should be accessed through Entity Framework.
  • You are free to use "code first" or "database first" approach or both for the ORM frameworks. - "Code First" + "Database First"
  • For the PDF export use a non-commercial third party framework.
  • The XML files should be read / written through the standard .NET parsers (by your choice).
  • For JSON serializations use a non-commercial library / framework of your choice.
  • MongoDB should be accessed through the Official MongoDB C# Driver.
  • The SQLite embedded database should be accesses though its Entity Framework provider.
  • For creating the Excel 2007 files (.xlsx) use a third-party non-commercial library.
  • Try to following best principles (High-Quality Code, Fundamental Programming Principles, Design Patterns)