A Python package built on sklearn for running a series of classification Algorithms in a faster and easier way.
- 0
error while running fastml
#27 opened - 0
Add Classification algorithms
#25 opened by buabaj - 4
Write error statements
#7 opened by buabaj - 1
Documentaion write up
#21 opened by buabaj - 3
Add more classification algorithms
#6 opened by buabaj - 2
- 2
Introducing a random state value
#19 opened by easamoaku - 3
Add Methods to impute missing data points.
#13 opened by buabaj - 1
Parameter pop-up
#11 opened by buabaj - 1
Write good comments in code
#15 opened by buabaj - 3
module imports
#4 opened by Silas-Asamoah - 2
- 0
Requirements.txt has bad format
#2 opened by SergioSV96