
Test Case for Admin Service

Akash-27022002 opened this issue · 0 comments


I'm trying write an testcases for the Admin service.

This Service have only setUserAdmin function so I'm going to write the test case for this service.

The setUserAdmin function in our admin service is a critical part of our user management system. This function is responsible for promoting a user to an admin role based on their email address. To ensure the reliability and correctness of this functionality, we need to write comprehensive unit tests.

Function Overview:
The setUserAdmin function performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieves the user document from the UserCollection in Firestore where the email matches the provided email.
  2. Checks if the user exists. If the user does not exist, it returns null.
  3. Checks the current userType of the user. If the user is already an admin, it returns an object indicating success and that the user is not a new admin.
  4. Updates the user's userType to admin if they are not already an admin.
  5. Returns an object indicating success and that the user is a new admin.

Expected Behavior

We are able to cover the test cases for the setUserAdmin function in the admin service, ensuring it handles all scenarios correctly.

Current Behavior

Currently, test cases for the setUserAdmin function are not available.

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