
Player data reset when player is set to spawn in TF

Swedz opened this issue · 1 comments

Swedz commented

Fabric Loader Version

Quilt 0.18.9

Fabric API Version


Twilight Forest Version


Client Log

Crash Report (if applicable)

No response

Steps to Reproduce

Enable portalForNewPlayer and newPlayersSpawnInTF, and disable shouldReturnPortalBeUsable. This is what my environment uses, but just enabling newPlayersSpawnInTF should be sufficient to reproduce.

Create a new single player world.

Move away and interact with your inventory, basically do anything that should be retained if you were to leave the world and rejoin it.

Save and quit the world.

Load the world up.

What You Expected

Player data to be saved and loaded correctly when rejoining the world.

What Happened Instead

Player data is reset and you spawn in at the portal as if you had just joined the world for the first time.

Additional Details

In the client log, the issue appears to start at line 1823, "[03:20:07] [Server thread/WARN]: Failed to save player data for Swedz"

Please Read and Confirm The Following

  • I have confirmed this bug can be replicated without the use of Optifine.
  • I have confirmed the details provided in this report are concise as possible and does not contained vague information (ie. Versions are properly recorded, answers to questions are clear).
  • I have confirmed this does not happen on the forge version (If it does please report to here instead).
  • I have confirmed this issue is unique and has not been reported already.
Swedz commented

I confirmed this is a strange case unique to me and is not a TF issue. Apologies