
Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `open` of type `function` supplied to `FullscreenDialog`, expected `boolean`.

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I need some help with the above warning. I obtained this when I passed a function in the open prop when calling the fullScreenDialog in the parent container.

Along with the previous warning, I also get this warning:

warning.js?8a56:36 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `lock` of type `function` supplied to `AutoLockScrolling`, expected `boolean`.

In the parent component

{this.state.isLoginModalOpen ? <UserLogin openModal={this.openLoginModal} closeModal={this.closeLoginModal} /> : null}

UserLogin component

<FullscreenDialog open={this.props.openModal}>
	<div className="Login container">
		<Icon name="times" onClick={this.props.closeModal}/>
		... (rest of the login form)

Also, the smooth scroll animation on opening the modal doesn't come the second time the modal is opened.

Please let me know if I'm doing something incorrectly and there is a better way to do this, or if some clarification is required.

You get this warning because you supply a function instead of a boolean to the open prop, just as the warning tells you. The error is in this line: <FullscreenDialog open={this.props.openModal}>. The open prop toggles the open/closed state, as described in the readme.

To get the smooth animation, always mount the dialog and only toggle its open/closed state with open={this.state.isLoginModalOpen}.

@leMaik What if the modal is a different component? how will you pass the state to the dialog in that case except using a prop?

Was my question wrong? I see that an invalid label has been added!

Your question is valid, this is just not a bug. Sorry about that. 😉
You'll need to pass-through the open prop.

Edit: Here's an example:

class YourCustomDialog extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
      <MaterialFullscreenDialog open={}>
        {/* your content here */}

And then just use it as any dialog, e.g. <YourCustomDialog open={this.state.showLoginDialog} />

Thank you, your solution worked. I have just one more question.

How do I close the current modal if a new modal opens from within the current modal on button click?

It's not possible; a dialog inside another dialog can't be open while the outside dialog is closed.

On the other hand: You shouldn't close that modal from a UX perspective. What if the user wants to go back? The dialogs create a hierarchie and it should be possible to go back in it. 🤔