
Repo discovery is difficult and build instructions are out of date

foresto opened this issue · 4 comments

I spent all week troubleshooting various TWRP build issues, only to learn today that the source code I had synced was out of date. Why? Because discovering the correct repo to use is nearly impossible.

So far, I have found three separate repos that look official:

Every single one of them, along with the FAQ, directs users here for build instructions:

As of today, those instructions (posted in 2012) still say to use this repo:

After reporting a bug I found in that repo today, I was told that it's not the correct one after all, and was made to feel like it was my own fault for foolishly using the wrong repo. The one that literally all of your projects (that I have found so far) say to use.

For the love of sanity, I hope you folks will untangle all this. Clear, correct, non-conflicting instructions posted where people can easily find them would be very helpful. Some indication of which repos are deprecated would be a great help, too. I hate to think of others wasting as much of their time on this as I have this week.

Those instructions also say that if you choose to use the minimal manifest, then everything you need should already be included. The minimal manifest is actively updated while the XDA thread isn't (as the thread owner is dealing with real life presently).

So there's no need try and figure out which repo is the correct one, as the right one is included in the source already. The thread and other locations will be updated when possible, but in the meantime, please be patient and just use the minimal manifest.

Those instructions also say that if you choose to use the minimal manifest, then everything you need should already be included.

Ah, yes, more conflicting instructions, this time referring to the minimal manifest, which lives in yet another repo, with a yet another github owner, and is arguably even less discoverable than the others unless you're already following the instructions that I was told today are wrong. This seems to help prove my point.

The thread and other locations will be updated when possible, but in the meantime, please be patient and just use the minimal manifest.

It's nice to finally know what to use. Thanks for your attention.