The official self-service anti-griefing Bukkit plugin for Minecraft servers since 2011.
- bigpreshPerl Dancer - @PerlDancer
- BrianettaNorth East England
- colebob9
- cubesteak
- digitalboccaEstúdio Digital Bocca
- drakmirvConnecticut, USA
- EbonJaegerNew York, USA
- eivlAmedia
- elampertiBariloche, Argentina
- Eyremba
- funkho
- gnubufferoverflows
- jdrowellEYB Security
- Jerzerak
- KateHutch
- LeopereWhere I need to be, most of the time.
- mb243Philadelphia, USA
- mpab1410Logan Aluminum Inc.
- MrPowerGamerBR@PerfectDreams
- NatoBoram@coderabbitai
- okkero
- pedrxd
- Qballl
- RezzedUpUnited States
- scolionoMillennium Space Systems
- ShivelightCatto & Doggo
- StefanVonRandaDenmark
- suzeanne=^.^=
- TomLewisPirateCraft
- Torbikini@Simple-Craft
- tyzmodo
- vietLectron, Inc.
- wasder
- witoszekdev@saleor
- zamuroking
- zedwick