
Community Website

Closed this issue · 5 comments

What types of things could be useful to have on a community website? We're currently working on a new version of to help start us out. It will include the community calendar and links to some of the resources that are being developed here on github.

A brief description of what each meetup is all about, would be helpful for those people who are not familiar with the scene.

My biggest challenge is that it's tough to judge what the meetup topics are going to be.
It would be pretty awesome if the talk topics where made concrete and public a few days beforehand.
Do you guys have a public Slack or IRC channel where things like that are discussed?

Personally, my schedule is tremendously tight, but I'd love to go to the meetups.
Unfortunately, if I don't know if the night's topics would be interesting, it's tough to prioritize it in order to make it to the meetup.

@tomswartz07 We do have a Slack channel for Lancaster tech with channels for all the meetups and we do tend to talk about/post the upcoming topics before a meetup. I think ultimately the community site will also be a good place to include upcoming topics so people can gauge their interest level when deciding to come. Just sent you a Slack invite (we're amishtech / Lancaster Technologists).

Idea: reddit-style voting for new meetup ideas / topics.

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