
Only log modifications

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear Paul,

thanks for providing the tool! I am looking for a configuration to only log modifications, no actions/commands. Ideally I would have a log file with one row per modification:
<timestamp> <trigger> <PATH>
2023-01-20 09:56:21 Create C:\temp\testfile.txt
2023-01-20 09:56:22 Rename C:\temp\testfile.txt C:\temp\new.txt

I failed to configure it in that sense. What is the closest I can get?

Thank you,

Hi Daniel,

I like that clean log look. Let me see what I can do about changing the logging to accommodate what you are looking for.

Appreciated, thanks a lot!
When thinking in a bit more detail about it, it would probably make sense to have the filters/exclusions applied for this "log only" feature. Maybe append to a separate log file (only if filters/exclusions match) so that the existing log file is not affected, e.g. a "filewrite" same level as actions/commands/notifications?
Kind regards from Austria,