
Can't open the login page

XeroxDev opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey there!

I setted all up, like you posted it in the, then I setted up apache2 with follow config:

Alias /solder "/home/solderio/solder/public/"
        <Directory "/home/solderio/solder/public/">
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
                Require all granted

then, if I go the mydomain.mytld/solder/ it will redirect me to /solder/login

every fine and okay, but then I got the nice 404 error: The requested URL /home/solderio/solder/public/index.php was not found on this server.

Did you know, why this is so?

Kind regards

and yes, the index.php file is still available.

edit And yes², I've activated the htaccess rewrite rule

It looks like you're trying to run it in a subfolder?

Alias /solder "/home/solderio/solder/public/"

This isn't a supported configuration.

Noles commented

@Indemnity83 I think we could record this for the planned ui rework. In my opinion we only need to update the current routes in the templates with {{ route(xxx) }} function to accomplish this.


Okay, and how must I configure it? If I try it in the /solder/ folder, it can't find anything, because there is no index.php file

Ok, found it out, currently only subdomains supported. It works now :D