

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Develop core functionality based on README specifications and options and release initial version on NPM.

When using as a module, you get to specify retries and timeout; on the CLI, only timeout is available. It would be good to either centralize both on having both options, or in having only timeout (internally deciding how many retries are appropriate).

While the first option is more flexible, I really like the simplicity of the second option.

Er, ignore me, retries is in the CLI -- it's just not in the readme!

yeah, I'll add it now. Need to clean that up a bit...

Top of readme Paralell should be Parallel

I tried to walk through all the logic before asking this, but still not sure... It looks to me that should be > instead of >= For example, if your retry limit is 1, and this is the first attempt then it's already going to reject?

It only calls checkRetry if the connection is attempted and fails, so, yes - it would reject (after) the first attempt if the retry is 1.

AH, I see now :)