
Remote File manager with Go + gRPC

Primary LanguageGo


Remote File manager with Go + gRPC

How to use it?


  1. Download your version
  2. Run the binary
  3. Use the folling flags
    -port int
       port of host to expose the server (default 8081)
    -v	enanble verbouse log
     	returns the version of the build


./bropdox-server_<version_os_arch> -port 8080


  1. Download your version

  2. Run the binary

  3. Use the folling flags

      -ip string
         ip of the server
     -path string
         folder to store the files (default "./files")
     -port int
         port of the server (default 8081)
     -v	enanble verbouse log
         returns the version of the build


./bropdox-server_<version_os_arch> -port 8080 -path '~/Documents/bropdox-files'


  1. git clone https://github.com/Tecnologer/Bropdox-go.git $GOPATH/src/github.com/tecnologer/bropdox
  2. cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tecnologer/bropdox
  3. git submodule init
  4. git submodule update
  5. cd server, change to cd client to run the client version
  6. go run main.go

Generate binaries with Make

You could use Make to generate binary files for client and server:

  • For client: make client-local
  • For server: make server-local

The binaries will be stored in ./dist/<server|client>

Note: You can use onle make to generate both binaries.

Test With BloomRPC

  1. Install BloomRPC and open it
  2. Click "Import Protos"
  3. Navigate to $GOPATH/src/github.com/tecnologer/bropdox/proto
  4. Select bropdox.proto
  5. Set address of the server, Default:
  6. From the left panel, select the Message to test
  7. Set the input for the message
  8. Click "play"




  • Server Side
    • Detect Changes
    • Create File
    • Update File
    • Delete File
    • Get File
    • Get Files (list)
    • Support multiple clients
    • Use flag to set the root folder
  • Client Side
    • Detect Changes
    • Send File Created
    • Send File Updated
    • File Deleted
    • Check status on startup and sync
      • Delete files deleted on server
      • Update files created offline
    • Register for notifications
    • Update files on local from notifications (Create, Update & Remove)
  • Makefile
    • Support cross-compilation