Go secrets CLI

CLI for go-secrets


  • Download: go get -u github.com/tecnologer/go-secrets-cli
  • Open source path: cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tecnologer/go-secrets-cli
  • Install: go install

How to use

To display help type: go-secrets-cli help

* Set new secret:
        go-secrets-cli set [-id <uuid>] -key <string> -value <string>
* Get secret:
        go-secrets-cli get [-id <uuid>] [-key <string>]
* Remove secret:
        go-secrets-cli remove [-id <uuid>] -key <string>
* Init secret:
        go-secrets-cli init
* Enable Encryption: Flag to indicate if the bucket is encrypted. Default: False
        go-secrets-cli <set|get|remove|init> -enc


  • CLI requires run at the same level where is the file .secretid, this file is generated by go-secrets-cli init

    • go-secrets-cli init
    • go-secrets-cli get -key username
  • Create a group

    To create a group, use a point between the group name and the key. I.e: go-secrets-cli set -key SQL.username -val tecnologer

  • See the example


  • Get all keys in a group