
A simplistic framework based on TAO, Facebook's distributed database for social graph

Primary LanguageRust

entity-rs: Library & macros for entity data structures

Build Status Crates.io Docs.rs entity: rustc 1.45+ entity_macros: rustc 1.45+

A simplistic framework based on TAO, Facebook's distributed database for Social Graph.

Requires Rust 1.45+. Without entity_macros, may compile and run for older versions of Rust.

Getting Started


Import Entity into your project by adding the following line to your Cargo.toml. entity_macros contains the macros needed to derive and/or transform your data to be compatible with supported databases and queries.

entity = "0.1"

Several features come out-of-the-box such as the inmemory database and macros used for more concise entity creation. See the feature flag section for more details.


use entity::*;

struct User {
    name: String,
    age: u8,

    #[ent(edge(type = "User"))]
    friends: Vec<Id>,

let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();
let alice = UserBuilder::default()


Entity utilizes a simplistic CRUD database API to manage instances of entity objects.

Out of the box, Entity provides an in-memory database available that can be used for small-scale usage of objects. This is powered by a HashMap and Arc to be thread-safe.

use entity::*;

let db = InmemoryDatabase::default();

Additionally, Entity can support sled for a lightweight, transactional database by adding the feature sled_db.

use entity::*;

let db = SledDatabase::new(
    // Requires importing sled yourself as this API wraps around a sled::Db

If you would prefer to implement your own database wrapper, you can implement the Database trait.

use entity::*;

// Database must be cloneable and should not be expensive to do so. For
// instance, a database struct could contain fields that are wrapped in
// Arc to make them thread safe and cheap to clone as a reference is maintained
pub struct MyDatabase;

impl Database for MyDatabase {
    /// Retrieves a copy of a single, generic ent with the corresponding id
    fn get(&self, id: Id) -> DatabaseResult<Option<Box<dyn Ent>>> {

    /// Removes the ent with the corresponding id, triggering edge
    /// processing for all disconnected ents. Returns a boolean indicating
    /// if an ent was removed.
    fn remove(&self, id: Id) -> DatabaseResult<bool> {

    /// Inserts a new ent using its id as the primary index, overwriting
    /// any ent with a matching id. If the ent's id is set to the ephemeral
    /// id (of 0), a unique id will be assigned to the ent prior to being
    /// inserted.
    /// The ent's id is returned after being inserted.
    fn insert(&self, ent: Box<dyn Ent>) -> DatabaseResult<Id> {

    /// Performs a retrieval of multiple ents of any type
    fn get_all(&self, ids: Vec<Id>) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<Box<dyn Ent>>> {

    /// Finds all generic ents that match the query
    fn find_all(&self, query: Query) -> DatabaseResult<Vec<Box<dyn Ent>>> {

Defining Data Structures

At the core of Entity is defining your data structures. Out of the box, this library provides one pre-defined structure that can hold arbitrary fields and edges, UntypedEnt. This implements the rather lengthy Ent trait that is the backbone of the Entity framework.

use entity::*;

let ent = UntypedEnt::from_collections(
    // An id unique to the ent; providing 0 as the id will have it replaced
    // with a unique id upon being saved in a database

    // Fields associated with the ent instance (like a struct field)
        Field::new("field1", 456),
        Field::new("field2", "some text"),

    // Edges to other ents by their ids
        Edge::new("edge1", 456),

Normally, you would prefer to implement your own strongly-typed data structure instead of using the dynamic one above. To do this, you have three options:

  1. Implement the Ent trait for your struct
  2. Derive an implementation using the special macro available from entity_macros or via the feature macros on the entity crate
  3. Transform a struct using the simple_ent attribute macro available from entity_macros or via the feature macros on the entity create

For the below example, we'll assume that you have added the macros feature to the entity crate.

use entity::{Ent, Id, Database, simple_ent};

// All entities must be cloneable
#[derive(Clone, Ent)]
pub struct MyEnt {
    // One field in the ent must be marked as its id
    id: Id,

    // One field in the ent must be marked as its database
    // reference, which is used for loading/saving/refreshing
    database: Option<Box<dyn Database>>,

    // One field must be marked as the ent's creation timestamp
    created: u64,

    // One field must be marked as the ent's last updated timestamp
    last_updated: u64,

    // Any field that belongs as data to this ent is marked as such
    field1: u32,

    field2: String,

    // Any association to other ents is marked as an edge with the
    // struct field being an Option<Id>, Id, or Vec<Id>
    #[ent(edge(type = "MyEnt"))]
    maybe_mine: Option<Id>,

    #[ent(edge(type = "SomeOtherEnt"))]
    other: Id,

// The simple_ent attribute macro will modify a struct by injecting the
// needed fields and deriving Clone and/or Ent where needed
pub struct SomeOtherEnt {
    my_field: f64,




Requires entity_macros or enabling the macros feature for entity.


Feature Flags

Entity provides a few feature flags:

  • inmemory_db (enabled by default) - Enables the in-memory database for use with ent objects. This does not bring in serde-1 by default, but including that feature will also support persisting the database to the filesystem.
  • sled_db - Enables the sled database for use with ent objects. Because of the nature of sled, this will also pull in serde-1.
  • serde-1 - Provides serde serialization module and associated functionality for ents through the use of typetag. This will require that all ents implement Serialize and Deserialize.
  • macros (enabled by default) - Importing macros from entity_macros directly from entity.