
Unknown attribute code 'managementip' from ZList 'summary'

RaphaelChavet opened this issue · 0 comments

The latest version of iTop (3.1.0) introduces summaries, little cards popping when the cursor of the mouse is put on an object, making us able to see some of its main attributes without opening it.
The problem is that, with both the latest versions of teemip-core-ip-mgmt and itop, trying to see the summary card of a "VirtualMachine" object causes an error.
Moreover, the DB consistency check tells this;
Unknown attribute code 'managementip' from ZList 'summary' (Expecting a value in {name, description, org_id, organization_name, business_criticity, move2production, contacts_list, documents_list, applicationsolution_list, softwares_list, providercontracts_list, services_list, tickets_list, status, logicalvolumes_list, virtualhost_id, virtualhost_name, osfamily_id, osfamily_name, osversion_id, osversion_name, oslicence_id, oslicence_name, cpu, ram, logicalinterface_list, managementip_id, managementip_name, finalclass, friendlyname, obsolescence_flag, obsolescence_date, org_id_friendlyname, org_id_obsolescence_flag, virtualhost_id_friendlyname, virtualhost_id_finalclass_recall, virtualhost_id_obsolescence_flag, osfamily_id_friendlyname, osversion_id_friendlyname, oslicence_id_friendlyname, oslicence_id_obsolescence_flag, managementip_id_friendlyname, managementip_id_finalclass_recall})

The origin of the problem is the deletion of the "managementip" attribute of the class "VirtualMachine" by the module "teemip-virtualization-mgmt-adaptor":
<item id="managementip" _delta="delete"/>

As a workaround, i created an extension editing the summary card to make it read the attribute "managementip_id" instead of "managmentip" (zip file attached).

Capture d’écran du 2023-10-27 11-41-52