
improved commands

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Currently, the commands suck. I don't like /reloadnbe and /reloadnobedexplosions is far too long. I think a good compromise would be /nbe reload, complete with tab completion. However, is it worth having a nested style command for just one command? Perhaps we could also add /nbe info for knowing if sleeping is allowed in this world or not, when multi-world support is eventually added.


I like the idea of /nbe info. We could pull information from the config and give administrators a somewhat-detailed analysis of what's going on in this world (or even other worlds) without them having to go into the config.

/nbe info sounds like terrible feature bloat for a terrible reason. Add /nbe reload and keep it at that. There's no reason to add commands just because one nested command seems odd. This entire plugin is supposed to be simple and easy to use, not bloated with a bunch of commands and unnecessary features.

There's no reason that we couldn't keep it simple and easy to use while also having optional commands for administrators though, right?

/nbe info sounds like terrible feature bloat for a terrible reason. Add /nbe reload and keep it at that. There's no reason to add commands just because one nested command seems odd. This entire plugin is supposed to be simple and easy to use, not bloated with a bunch of commands and unnecessary features.

I agree with this. Multi-world support will already bloat the plugin up enough. Can't we just leave this plugin be without adding and adding and adding? Do people truly even want more commands?

Added /nbe as of 4696730.