ghepesdoru opened this issue · 3 comments
Allow deepmerge package to be packaged using @rollup with @rollup/plugin-typescript.
At current state the package is exporting it's type declaration as index.d.ts inside the project root. This breaks typescript project builds with @rollup when using the compilerOptions.typeRoots typescript configuration.
A better approach would be to isolate the typings information inside a types folder and forward tools such as @rollup using the package.json typings property to the corrent types/index.d.ts path.
This modification allows deepmerge to act as a type module, fixing issues related to bundling the package using @rollup/plugin-typescript.
As better described in here, there are 3 manners of inclusion, explicit specifying a typings or types (equivalent fields) in package.json being encouraged but not required if an index.d.ts is pressent at root directory level.
Based on above referenced documentation, the repository already has a valid definition file and this issue alongside it's pull request can be safely ignored as build tools should also respect conventions, not only libraries.
So it's a @rollup/plugin-typescript issue?