
Our library is about plants you can show in your garden. We'll have a function to filter our vegetables by type or when it's time to sow. There is also a button to sort the plants alphabetically by its name in English or its scientific name.

The problem

If you had more time, what would be next?

We started by adding all the plants that we wanted and then made a function to show them. Next we continued with functions to filter and sort them in different ways. Lastly we connected the functions with the buttons by adding event listeners.

The hardest part was to make the functions. We tried to work with pair programming, but it was hard when neither of us understood what to do. So we all googled and tried out the different methods that we found. In the end barely any of them worked, so we had to work our way around the problem, by using the knowledge we had instead. Because of time constraints we had to divide the work between us and do different parts.

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