
Node.js is a great tool to use for web scraping. It allows implementing web scraping routines in a couple of lines of code using the open source module provided by npm.

Before moving Ahead,

📌 The great advantage of web scrapping with Node.js is that it's used havily in companies for building SAAS Data pipeline i.e. converting data anaysis and insights into software product.

When you want to scrape data, then you have to list out parent HTML tags & check respective child HTML tag to extract the data by repeating this activity.

Steps Required for Web Scraping

  1. Creating the package.json file.
  2. Install & Call the required libraries
  3. Select the Website & Data needed to Scrape
  4. Set the URL & Check the Response Code
  5. Inspect & Find the Proper HTML tags
  6. Include the HTML tags in our Code
  7. Cross-check the Scraped Data