
multiple pubkeys in bit range at once checker

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multiple publickeys could be check ....
update your script with multiple public keys to check in bit range
could be inside script or could be pick from publickeys.txt file

For sequentially calculation, you can already do this using bat/sh script by restarting with a new custom pubkey.

for windows

@Echo Off

SET file=PublicKey0001.txt

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

SET sessFile=_session.txt

SET Npubkey=0
echo [~] calc total Npubkey in file "!file!" ..
For /F %%a In (%file%) Do (
	SET /a Npubkey+=1

SET lastN=0
IF EXIST !sessFile! (
	SET /P lastN=<!sessFile!

SET n=0
For /F %%a In (%file%) Do (
	echo =================================================
	REM date /T && time /T
	powershell Get-Date
	echo [!n!/!Npubkey!] %%a

	IF !lastN! == !n! (
		echo !n!>!sessFile!

		C:\Python37\python.exe 32 %%a
		REM timeout /T 1

		SET /a lastN+=1

	SET /a n+=1

Simultaneous pubkeys calculation will overly complicate the program.
And important: for N keys, performance will drop N times.
Sry, but i dont do it.