
is this meant to be used by the public?

jcesarmobile opened this issue · 1 comments

or you just open sourced your project but only you can use it?

I've tried to use it and it does nothing, which is obvious because there is no native code to get the bridge calls. (at first I hoped you were doing some magic with wasm that would allow to use the API without native code)

Docs just mention "Requires a webview with a postMessage bridge.". I've added the bridge and receive the values sent from javascript, but I just log those values, there are no instructions about what to do with the data received on postMessage.

Are there native iOS and Android projects meant to be used with this javascript bridge?
If they are, are they public? (link)?
If they are not public, is this project meant to be used only by telefonica?

I saw this similar issue #16 and the answer is "To use this bridge you need to implement the native part and create a message handler.", but that's not enough to make the project work.

No response so far, so I guess it's not meant to be used by the public